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学者 / 商学院 / 人力资源管理


人是公司最重要的资产. 这就是为什么人力资源管理在每个企业中都是如此关键的功能. People are needed who can think strategically about the human capital within an organization and balance the wants and needs of the company’s diverse workforce. 作为人力资源部的领导, 你可以在创造参与性的游戏中扮演至关重要的角色, 影响组织整体效率的高效劳动力.

亚历克斯有机会看到大学作为一个社区成员,学生和员工. 从她的优势来看, TU非常重视不同经历的学生,并提供归属感和包容性, 不管你来自哪里.

Tiffin University’s BBA in 人力资源管理 is a career-oriented degree for those individuals who want to make a real difference in the careers and lives of others in the workforce. 您将开发有效收购所需的技能, 培训, 绩效考核, 确定雇员和雇主权利和义务的法律法规, 工作分析, 工作评估, 建立薪酬结构和福利, 风险管理和损失预防, 安全管理 & workers’ compensation, employee assistance plans, preventative health issues, emergency response & 准备, rewarding and fair treatment of employees – whether you plan on pursuing a career with a Fortune 500 company or a small business.

You’ll begin studying the seven major functions within the human resource field from the start of your first human resource class. Our curriculum was developed around Society of 人力资源管理 guidelines for student preparation in completing the Society for 人力资源管理 (SHRM) certification. 我们以行业为重点的课程, 伴随着强大的商业核心课程, 会为你在人力资源领域的领导角色做准备吗.

在每门课程中, 你将从经验丰富的教师那里学习, 曾担任行业领导职位,包括人力资源总监, 区域人力资源经理, 员工教育和培训总监, 合规经理等. These experienced experts have man年龄d human resources for some of the nation’s leading companies such as JP Morgan Chase, 惠而浦, 欧文斯科宁, 洛斯, 马拉松石油公司, 大力神轮胎, 卡地纳健康和其他公司.

  • 深入了解组织所面临的人力资源挑战.
  • 作为专业课程的一部分, 你将获得相关领域的知识和职业技能.
  • 我们教师的丰富经验很有价值, 有意义的课堂讨论和行业互动.
  • Develop the man年龄rial problem-solving and strategic-thinking skills that will help you become a leader.
  • The TU 商学院 is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
  • 在Peregrine的全国标准化测试中, 在人力资源管理领域, 博彩平台推荐商学院的学生平均得分为6分.与ACBSP学校的学生相比,高出79个百分点.

This accelerated pathway allows you to take classes that count as dual credit towards both your BBA and MBA degrees, 让你有能力在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位, 节省你的时间和金钱. 了解我们的MBA课程.

平衡前沿理论与实践, 人力资源管理工商管理学士学位将为你进入职场做好准备. 完成我们的课程后,您将准备招聘,选择和雇用. 你将对绩效管理系统有一个牢固的理解, 薪酬及福利, 接班人计划, 政策的实施, 培训和发展,多元化和包容性. 你会有很强的沟通技巧,批判性思考和解决问题的能力.

You’ll gain this knowledge and these career-ready skills by studying with faculty who know of what they speak. 我们充满激情的讲师曾与财富500强公司合作. 他们曾在私募股权公司和小型家族企业工作. 这些经验和持续的网络允许有价值的, 有意义的课堂讨论和行业互动.

非常重要的是, 你会把你学到的知识和技能付诸实践, 因为每个人力资源专业的学生都必须完成150小时的体验式学习. This experience working with an outside firm is critical in providing our students with relevant field knowledge. 我们的学生实习的公司也会得到服务, 因为他们的主管已经认可了我们的人力资源学生所展示的职业准备水平.

  • 该项目利用时事来教授实时的、现实世界的人力资源问题.
  • 演讲嘉宾为我们的课堂带来了行业视角. 最近的演讲者包括. 人力资源项目经理, DS Brown-Gibraltar; Director of Human Resources, VideoJet Technologies; Senior Human Resources Business Partner, Cooper Tire; Director of Diversity and Inclusion, 马拉松石油公司; and more.
  • Extensive opportunities to connect with alumni working within the field will enable you to gain further industry and professional knowledge.
  • You’ll be encour年龄d to join a local HRM chapter as a way to network and gain further knowledge relative to the field.
  • Our students are readily prepared to take the Society of 人力资源管理 certification upon graduation.

Active learning and using metacognitive approaches within the classroom allow students to better problem solve and eng年龄 in critical thinking. Supporting the HR program with a strong man年龄ment-based core curriculum allows infusion of case studies at multiple levels in both program curriculum and core courses. Presentation requirements with group projects support communication, leadership and collaboration.

You’ll graduate from Tiffin University with a degree in human resources – along with many hours of invaluable practical experience. 你将被要求在大三和/或大四期间完成专业实习. Under the guidance of HR faculty members, you’ll complete 150 hours with an outside selected firm. The firm will provide supervision and on-the-job 培训 to ensure that you are learning practical experiences preparing you for long-term employment.

  • 案例研究讨论、演讲和发展在人力资源课程中被大量使用.
  • Current industry professionals are brought to classrooms to discuss careers and share and eng年龄 in open dialogue around applicable professional and industry experiences.
  • 人力资源项目的学生积极参与当地商业领袖的模拟面试, 从被采访者和采访者的角度来回顾概念.
  • HR is a field that is heavily eng年龄d in representing a global-minded perspective through incorporating diversity, 公平与包容. 充分利用我们校园的多样性, 课堂内的小组作业使学生能够与广泛不同的人群互动.


  • ACC228管理会计- 3小时
  • 信息系统管理- 3小时
  • LAW321就业与劳动法- 3小时
  • MGT301组织行为学- 3小时
  • MGT317人力资源管理- 3小时
  • MGT318总补偿(仅限在线)- 3小时
  • MGT320人力资源风险管理(仅在线)- 3小时
  • MGT351管理工作场所的多样性- 3小时
  • MGT402培训及发展(仅限网上)- 3小时
  • MGT443战略人力资源管理(仅限在线)- 3小时

合计- 30小时


这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.


雇佣及劳工法(LAW321) – This course is an overview of various 确定雇员和雇主权利和义务的法律法规. 涵盖的主题包括雇佣关系的性质和普通法原则, prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of certain protected characteristics such as race and gender, 工资和工时法, 家庭医疗休假法, 《博彩平台推荐》和其他类似领域的劳动和就业法. 主要的焦点是管理雇佣关系的联邦法律, 但也会有关于州和地方法律的讨论.

人力资源管理(MGT317) -企业人力资源职能的研究. 主要研究领域将包括人员配置, 招聘, 培训和发展, 工资及薪金管理, 工作分析与评估与劳动关系.

全面薪酬管理(MGT318) -企业总薪酬管理功能的研究, 人力资源框架证明了这一点. 主要活动领域将包括工作分析, 工作评估, 建立薪酬结构和福利.

人力资源风险管理(MGT320) -本课程将探讨人力资源在职业健康与安全领域的范围和作用, 综合方案的基本组成部分和, 更重要的是, the interplay between these considerations and how important HR professionals are in their success. Topics covered include OSHA requirements, 风险管理和损失预防, 安全管理 & workers’ compensation, employee assistance plans, preventative health issues, emergency response & 做好准备,培养安全文化等. There will be focus on the fundamental components of a comprehensive health and safety program to protect the employees in an organization and avoid costly liability.

管理工作场所的多样性(MGT351) – In the context of the growth of multinational enterprises and the increasing diversity of the American workforce, 这门课是关于性别的, 种族, 年龄, 工作场所的文化和其他差异. 这门课的重点是如何保持开放, 敏感的, and fair in dealing with differences and on using diversity as positive force within organizations. 这是一门写作强化课程.


在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月

在线 -每学期两学期,分别于1月、3月、5月、7月、8月和10月开设

人力资源领域正在发展. 在过去的五年里, human resources professionals have seen a shift from administrative employees to being seen as a strategic partner within a business. 组织对多样性的承诺, 公平和包容促进了人力资源领域的发展和愿望.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that employment opportunities for human resources positions are expected to grow much faster than aver年龄 in the coming years.

  • 企业招聘人员
  • 客户服务代表
  • 人力资源助理
  • 人力资源总监
  • 人力资源经理
  • 人力资源专员
  • 会议,会议和活动策划
  • 项目经理
  • 采购代理
  • 招聘人员
  • 协会管理集团有限公司.
  • Avion水务公司.
  • 坎贝尔石油公司.
  • 卡地纳健康公司.
  • 冠军家居装饰
  • 托莱多市
  • 皇冠电池
  • 影响信用社
  • Klarna
  • 闲逛的解决方案
  • 劳氏公司.
  • 马拉松石油公司
  • 国家机器
  • 国人民银行
  • Sherwin-Williams
  • 高速公路有限责任公司
  • 美国Taiho公司
  • 惠而浦公司





“Using my TU network has helped me to land an internship and ultimately full-time staff accountant position at a Fortune 50 company. 两年后, 我一直在公司的内部审计部门工作, 环境会计组和现在的产品库存组. 在那个时候, I have presented quarterly and yearly data to large groups including senior executives as well as assist in several projects including software testing of a West and East business unit merger in which we are integrating the entire company.”
