化学是生命的基础. 它几乎涉及到人类生活的方方面面. Chemical technologies enrich the quality of human and animal life by providing solutions to problems in health, food, 物料及能源使用情况. Tiffin University’s chemistry program will prepare you to be part of the solution. 具有扎实的科学知识基础, 以及分析思维和解决问题的实践训练, 你将为从事与科学相关的商业职业做好准备, 医疗保健或教学, or for admission into medical school or graduate study in chemistry and related fields.
The B.A. in Chemistry is a “central science” degree as you’re taught concepts and research in not just chemistry, 还有生物学上的概念连接了所有的物理概念, 生命与应用科学. The program offers a comprehensive education in the foundations of organic, 无机化学与分析化学, together with biological studies that intersect various areas of chemistry. 以及对科学信息的坚定理解, 你将获得对生活至关重要的特殊技能, 对工业来说. 你将学会识别小细节, 为解决问题创造假设, 分析数据并进行有效的口头和书面沟通.
This foundation degree gives you a breadth and depth of understanding that will prepare you for a wide variety of professions, 为被科学吸引的学生创造可行的途径. 如果你想进入医学院,这是一门理想的课程, 牙科学校, 兽医科学或攻读化学研究生. You can also pursue science-related opportunities in research and development; materials science; consumer products such as food and cosmetics; environmental, 商业或工业实验室等.
- The B.A. in Chemistry will prepare you for admission into medical school or for graduate study in chemistry and related fields.
- 该项目提供科学分析和解决问题的培训, 当你从实验观察中得出结论.
- Professors bring a wide variety of experience in the chemistry and biology fields.
- 你的学习将是高度个性化的,因为你直接参与, 与你的教授进行高层接触.
- You’ll engage in hands-on learning through experiential laboratory exercises, 使用高级仪器.
在你们的化学课程中, you’ll learn from professors who bring a wide variety of experience in the chemistry and biology fields, 包括行业研究, 与环境因素有关的法医学和生物化学. You may also have the opportunity to work with industry experts who visit our campus and conduct hands-on labs for classes.
这是一个专注于科学知识和研究的项目. All faculty have extensive scientific research experience in multiple areas. You’ll learn to create a hypothesis and follow through with laboratory experiments to create a knowledge base of chemistry across a wide variety of chemical applications.
Throughout your program you’ll gain career-ready skills such as problem solving, 分析和批判性思维. You’ll learn skills in lab processes, scientific inquiry and working in teams. And, 你将获得关键的沟通技巧, 学会有效地与他人分享和解释技术知识.
Tiffin University’s newest building on campus is our Center for Science and Technology – also referred to as “the STEAM building.” Here, 你将参与实验练习, 使用高级仪器 that is not used in other programs until graduate level coursework. 仪器包括GC-MS(气相色谱质谱), HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) and FTIR (Fourier Transform Infared Spectroscopy), “Bod Pod” (to analyze the impact of physical activity on the human body) and DNA Sequential Analyzer. You’ll also learn anatomy and physiology to the molecular and cellular level using the Anatomage Table, a six-foot horizontal computer and virtual autopsy machine using digitized human bodies dedicated to science. TU is one of the few schools in the nation to have access to such a machine.
主动学习是B的一个组成部分.A. 化学项目. 细心的教师与学生密切合作, 谁从我们的项目中受益, 更个性化的班级规模. Ours is an experiential approach to learning as the curriculum and labs involve actual application of scientific processes. 参与一个积极的实践项目,你将:
- Participate in research in a lab using high-tech, state-of-the-art instruments.
- 使用科学软件并解读实验室程序数据.
- Actively practice communicating scientific information through lab reports.
- 参加150小时的实习.
- 分享通过点对点讨论学到的知识, 与该领域的人进行演讲和互动.
- Present research in the field learned from scientific journals to classmates.
- Have the opportunity to complete individually chosen research projects guided by professors to present to national conferences.
- 在实验室与其他学生合作, 学会与不同的人沟通和工作.
- 有机会参观和参与不同类型的实验室.
Courses & Format
化学专业的学生必须至少获得2分.完成8学时平均绩点5分, CHM131/CHM131Lab/CHM132/CHM132Lab课程序列, 继续主修.
- BIO210普通生物学I与BIO210L实验室- 4小时
- BIO211普通生物学II与BIO211L实验室- 4小时
- CHM131一般化学I与CHM131L实验室- 4小时
- CHM132通用化学II与CHM132L实验室- 4小时
- 分析化学与CHM281L实验室- 4小时
- 有机化学I与CHM331L实验室- 4小时
- 有机化学II与CHM332L实验室- 4小时
- CHM411生化与CHM441L实验室- 4小时
- 物理化学与CHM450L实验室- 4小时
- CHM481仪器分析实验室- 4小时
- 微积分II - 5小时
- PHY211普通物理I与PHY211L实验室- 4小时
- PHY212普通物理II与PHY212L实验室- 4小时
- SAS470实习- 3小时
总计- 56小时
This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic Bulletin for detailed registration and advising information.
普通化学II (CHM132) 第二学期的课程包括有机化学的主题, solutions, 化学动力学, equilibrium, 酸和碱, 氧化还原反应, 电化学和核化学. Lab required.
有机化学I (CHM331) – The study of organic chemistry including the structure and nomenclature of organic compounds. Topics will consider both the theoretical and experimental approaches to organic compounds. Lab required.
定量分析(CHM281) – This course will serve as an introduction to the basic concepts of analytical techniques. 学生将被要求运用在普通化学中学到的概念. The techniques and skills developed in the required lab will be essential for CHM481.
On Campus – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August
根据美国劳工统计局的数据, employment in STEM-based jobs is expected to grow by 8% between the years 2019-2029. 这一增长速度是非stem工作的两倍多. It is predicted that by 2025, the job market will be overrun with more than 3.500万个STEM职位空缺, meaning people with knowledge and experience in these realms will be very desirable to employers.
- 化学老师
- 化妆品的科学家
- 环境测试技术员
- 食品科学家
- 医疗管理员
- 实验室技术员
- 法律案件评核主任
- 医学技术专家
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At a Glance
- 准备研究生或专业学校
- 教师带来丰富的知识和专业经验
- 小班授课使个性化学习成为可能
- 研究级设备的实践经验
“There is always going to be a little doubt in any person’s mind when it comes to new things. But for me, I think proving people, who said I couldn’t do it, wrong is my biggest motivation. 对我来说再也没有什么是不可能的了. The world is constantly changing and I feel like I am much more capable of adapting to those changes now compared to when I was walking on to TU’s campus for the first time.”
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From Dragon Nation to Hoosier Country – Zachary Tomlinson’s Acceptance into a Chemistry
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- 博彩平台推荐表彰优秀教师
- Real World-Ready – Brooklyn Kreilick’s Experience with the Tiffin Innovation Program and Beyond