我们的使命是通过提供负担得起的住宿设施来支持博彩平台推荐社区,使我们的学生能够取得全面的成功. 我们努力提供激发学术成就的生活环境, 学生的参与, 个人, 专业发展, 在关注社区的同时, 安全, 健康, 包容, 和尊重. 居住生活致力于培养想要参与公民活动的学生, 专业专注, 终身学习者.
在博彩平台推荐,我们相信独立决策能力的发展. 这个过程是小团体生活的家庭式方式的重要组成部分, as well as promoting a living-learning environment. The hallmark of Tiffin University’s on-campus living is “community.”
博彩平台推荐为您提供了与其他学生互动的绝佳机会. This interaction with others leads to greater maturity, a development of self-identity, realization of strengths and weaknesses, and a broadening of one’s perspectives. 当你住在一个社区里,你会发现有很多机会互相学习. 你会发现通过校园生活更容易分享才能、经验和技能.
The Role of the Resident Assistant
每个大厅, 房子, 公寓由一位居民助理(RA)提供支持,他是学生顾问和居民的资源. 社区助理负责协助维持一个有利于学习的氛围,同时与居民建立社区关系. 全年, the RA’s will plan educational, 文化, 以及旨在在校园里建立积极社区的社交活动. 另外, RA提供各种各样的服务,从调解室友冲突到启动所需的维护或维修. Your RA is your first point of contact whenever you have a question!
每天晚上,一组RAs值班,以确保大厅,房屋和公寓是安全的. 这是一个很好的机会,让学生了解他们附近的其他RAs.
What You Can Expect from TU’s 居住生活
All Residence 大厅s are equipped with:
- 特大号双人床和床垫
- 梳妆台
- 桌椅
- wardrobe or closet space for each student
Please Note: Handmade lofts are not permitted on campus. The furniture in most halls is designed to be lofted or bunked. 当你的房管完成工作订单后,维修人员会把家具放高.
The following are also important qualities of living on campus:
- Access to laundry equipment is available. No quarters or swipe card needed.
- 每个大厅楼层或房屋都有一个配有电视和微波炉的休息室.
- Wireless internet access is available in all residential halls.
- Access to 居住生活 Cinema, a collection of free movies available to stream on your computer, 平板电脑, 或电话. You must be on campus and connected to DragonNet!
提交你的学生I.D. 照片
Have Questions or Need 更多的信息?
If you have any questions or concerns, 或者需要更多信息, please do not hesitate to contact the 学生事务处 (800)968-6446,分机. 3264.
度 & 证书
Master of Business Administration, The University of Findlay
Stephen Sanney
度 & 证书
B.A. 阿尔比恩学院心理学博士
M.A. in Higher Education, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
以副院长的身份, 斯蒂芬监督学生的行为过程和监督居住生活的领域, 房地产业务, 学生参与, 与校园安全.
居住生活, 学生事务
俄亥俄州蒂芬人, 吉尔·奥尔德里奇于2004年夏天来到博彩平台推荐,担任住房运营总监.
Jill has over 21 years’ experience in higher education. She has served in various roles, 从助理到刑事司法与社会科学学院教务处处长, 本科博彩平台推荐访问协调员,她现在愉快地挂在宿舍生活和学生事务的帽子.
Jill于2015年获得商业管理学士学位,同时还在博彩平台推荐(Tiffin University)完成了市场营销和马术管理的辅修课程.
和学生在一起, 帮助他们成长并找到自己的人生道路一直是吉尔的目标. Known as the campus mom she is always willing to help guide students, 做一个倾听者, cheerleader and voice of reason for them.
Jill is the proud mother of two grown daughters and two stepsons. 最近虽然, 作为她两个孙子的GG,这是很难超越的幸福和快乐.
It is Jill’s hope that every student that graduates, has the right tools to be successful in their next journey; both socially and in their careers.
居住生活, 学生事务
度 & 证书
B.S. in 法医科学, Tiffin University
M.B.A. in Healthcare Administration, Tiffin University
你好! 我叫Amber Molnar,我来自俄亥俄州的不伦瑞克,俄亥俄州克利夫兰的一个大郊区. I began working for TU as a full-time employee in July 2019. 在担任宿舍生活和学生事务区域协调员之前, 我是一名研究生助理,负责大一体验和学生成功. 在我做GA的时候, 我真的很喜欢和学生一起工作,这种方式对他们产生了积极的影响,我希望在我的工作中每天都能做到这一点.
我于2018年5月获得了博彩平台推荐法医学专业的学士学位, and my MBA in Healthcare Administration in 2020. 目前,我在一家名为dance Unlimited的工作室教授过多的舞蹈课程,我喜欢与朋友和家人共度时光, 做任何户外活动. 我在蒂芬的经历, 俄亥俄州, and as a student and employee of the University has been unforgettable. Tiffin University has shaped me into the person 我是 today. Through my role as a staff member, 我希望为各方面的学生创造一种像我一样的经历.
度 & 证书
B.A. in Communication, Heidelberg University
莱恩的 is originally from Defiance, 他于2017年首次来到蒂芬,在海德堡大学攻读音乐教育学士学位, later switching to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. 他们从大二开始就在海德堡大学的博彩平台推荐办公室工作, served as an orientation leader in 2019, 并在2021年毕业后在那里担任了一年的入学顾问. 通过他们在博彩平台推荐和迎新领导方面的工作经验, 莱恩喜欢和学生一起工作,帮助他们在大学里取得成功. 在他们空闲的时候, 莱恩喜欢电子游戏, TTRPGs, binge watching TV shows and movies, and spending time with friends.
度 & 证书
B.A. in Psychology, Grinnell College
伊丽莎白·尼斯 is a recent graduate from Grinnell College, who has obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Through her experiences working with 居住生活, 伊丽莎白热衷于通过创造促进社区的环境来支持校园学生, 订婚, 和归属感. 她的职责包括开发和实施住宿生活项目,以满足学生群体的不同需求, as well as ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all residents. 工作之余, Elizabeth enjoys spending time with family and friends, as well as playing video games, 阅读, 还有坐过山车.